With all things related to planning, operation and decision-making, Support Your Way will:
Take a preventative, proactive and participatory approach to participant safety;
Value and empower participants in decisions that affect their lives;
Foster a culture of openness that supports all persons to safely disclose risks of harm to participants
Respect diversity in cultures while keeping safety paramount;
Provide written guidance on appropriate conduct and behaviour towards participants;
Engage only the most suitable people to work with participants and utilise high-quality staff, volunteer supervision and professional development;
Ensure participants know who to talk to if they are worried, feeling unsafe or otherwise uncomfortable;
Facilitate an environment where participants feel comfortable and are encouraged to raise such issues if they arise;
Report suspected abuse, neglect or mistreatment promptly to the appropriate authorities;
Share information appropriately and lawfully with other organisations where the safety and well-being of children is at risk; and
Greatly value the input of participants, and communicate regularly with families and carers.
Support Worker Verification
As employees of Support Your Way, all support workers go through comprehensive checks before being approved to provide support on our platform.
Verification checks include:
National Police Clearance
CPR and/or First Aid Certificate
Manual Handling Training
NDIS Workers Orientation Module Certificate
NDIS Worker Screening Clearance
DHS Working with Children's Clearance
100 pts of ID
COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate
Incident Monitoring
Should you experience or witness an incident, we would strongly encourage you to Report an Incident via our Report an Incident form where one of our team members will be in contact to investigate further and support you the best we can.
Complaints & Feedback Register
At Support Your Way, we take formal complaints very seriously, and all complaints will be investigated thoroughly so that we can resolve your issue. Whether you submit a complaint through the Make a Complaint form or want to provide general feedback to Support Your Way using the Contact Us form, our team will be there to support you and ensure your voice is heard.
Support Your Way respects the privacy and confidentiality of information provided to us by Participants, Supporters and all individuals alike. If you would like to learn more about our privacy policy, please visit our Privacy Policy page.